Quality Data Matters: What can you do to improve data quality? | Flyer/Handout
Asset ManagementThis flyer identifies four simple ways that everyone can help improve data quality. They are understanding the needs and reporting style, following any established guidance, being timely, and maintaining consistency with others.
Why Data is Important | Flyer/Handout
Asset ManagementThis flyer highlights the importance of asset data and specifically TAMS data for the Central Office. Asset data is important for justifying the where and when of asset treatments and for improving the timing and efficiency of investments, while TAMS data supports procurement.
Quality Data Matters: Components of good quality data | Flyer/Handout
Asset ManagementThe flyer presents the four main components of quality data: accuracy, consistency, completeness, and relevance.
Common Stakeholder Questions | Flyer/Handout
This flyer lists and answers common questions about TAM and MnDOT investment decisions directed toward the executive leadership by their stakeholders.
Planning & Program Management TAM Data Needs | Video
Presentation on the data needs for the planning and programming unit of the central office. It emphasizes the importance of data and helps to prioritize future data resource investment.
AMSIP Ops Div Update | Presentation
Asset ManagementThis OPS Div PowerPoint presentation delves into one fundamental question: what is MnDOT going to do with all this asset management data? In answering the preceding question, the presenters look successively at who uses asset data in variety of contexts: for maintenance measures, maintenance planning, system size, cost/productivity, spatial analysis, dashboards, maintenance/capital, scoping, procurement, consigned inventory, capital planning info, risk mitigation, regulatory, sustainability, design, financial, and asset management.
TAMS/Asset Management Data Use Example | Presentation
Asset ManagementAsset Management Data is widely used across MnDOT, and often those charged with creating and/or collecting it are not in roles to see the wide benefits. This presentation exhibits 30+ examples of where MnDOT greatly benefits from its asset data.
The Data You Collect Makes a Difference! | Flyer/Handout
This is a one-page flyer for the district and central office staff on the importance of data collection.
Quality Data Matters! | Flyer/Handout
This flyer directed toward district and central office management. It offers assistance from AMPO to the managers for conveying the importance of data.